Hey darlings and Happy Workout Wednesday

I was so hesitant to post certain pictures of myself. I was worried of what others will say or think but today I woke up and said to myself "you've come a freaking long way and the opinion of others shall be the least of my problem."

I want to give you all the real deal. 

The real me, no gimmicks! 
This is raw and uncut! 

  This right here is my biggest insecurity. 

I have been struggling with  loose skin and stretch marks around my abdomen ever since giving birth to Titan (my second born).  I was ready to throw in the towel and go under the knife but my husband stopped me. He asked me a series of questions, one being "Do you think you've given yourself a fair chance?" I was confused by what he meant but he shortly explained what he meant. In all honesty, I did not give myself a fair chance at all. I gave up on working out so many times and ate horribly. 

Last year I turned 30 and have made a vow to myself that I will work harder to accomplish my goals. 

Im not perfect so already i've had days where i'm I say frig it all but I quickly remind myself that I am no failure, I will give myself a fair chance.

Fitness Goals for 2019

Work on my stomach
Get to my goal weight of 120lbs (remember muscle weighs more than fat)
Gain strength

 Be the healthiest i've ever been

Do you have any fitness goals?Leave a COMMENT below.

Also, Dont forget to FOLLOW for more upcoming blog post.


  1. Thank you for the constant motivation 2019 is about reaching goals!!!! Let's do this!!

  2. I loved this post. Thank you for being so transparent. So many mamas are struggling with their body image and need to know they're not alone and you CAN do something about it.

  3. Love your transparency! Keep pushing towards your goals. I am with you for gains! Trying to get up to 180, yep muscle gain! Going for the thick fit look lol

  4. Thanks for being vulnerable and sharing your journey. It will help other women in the same position who have a hard time accepting their post baby body. You got a good cheerleader in your corner so even on the days when you can’t push through he will be there to motivate you! Keep it up Mama! Proud of you! You got this��

  5. Amazing! The journey is so much more important than the end result. The journey is what gives others hope that they too can achieve their goals.

  6. You can achieve all you want. Keep it up!

  7. Fitness and being healthy is a lifestyle, as long as you practice healthy habits daily you’ll meet your goal. Consistency really is key! You got this!


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