"I didn't GO natural, I RETURNED"

Heeey y'all, my name is Alaina and I'm here to give y'all hair LIFE, beauty tips and of course a little fashion love

Yes, I was a straight hair addict, relaxer junkie but that all changed in 2010. When returning I probably knew a handful of natural haired people. Even the African American dudes were getting into the perms and relaxer; I find that straight crazy. Nevertheless I took the step and chopped all my relaxed ends off. I believe seeing the versatility in natural hair made me return. Don't get it twisted, I had the hardest time chopping off my relaxer, having to dedicate myself to wearing a silk bonnet at night and following a hair routines to make sure I had given my hair the care it needed. Products were the hardest to find since there wasn't a lot out there at the time. Natural shea butter & I rocked it out for a while. Shea was the only thing that understood my hair. Now that there is hundreds of products out there I try to give all a fair chance. 

I will be doing reviews on hair and skin care products, hair styles, interviews with naturals and also have monthly curl chats. Natural, relaxed, transitioning I have something for all of y'all. 

Follow my blog for updates.
I promise you will not be disappointedPerson raising both hands in celebration


  1. YAY! Can't wait to

  2. Sooo happy for you Laney. Great first blog!!

    - Lisa MsClassy

  3. Haha I love this!... Keep it coming :)


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