I was so hesitant to post certain pictures of myself. I was worried of what others will say or think but today I woke up and said to myself "you've come a freaking long way and the opinion of others shall be the least of my problem." I want to give you all the real deal. The real me, no gimmicks! This is raw and uncut! This right here is my biggest insecurity. I have been struggling with loose skin and stretch marks around my abdomen ever since giving birth to Titan (my second born). I was ready to throw in the towel and go under the knife but my husband stopped me. He asked me a series of questions, one being "Do you think you've given yourself a fair chance?" I was confused by what he meant but he shortly explained what he meant. In all honesty, I did not give myself a fair chance at all. I gave up on working out so many times and ate horribly. Last year I turned 30 and have made a vow to myself that I will wo...
Heeey y'all, my name is Alaina and I'm here to give y'all hair LIFE, beauty tips and of course a little fashion love . Yes, I was a straight hair addict, relaxer junkie but that all changed in 2010. When returning I probably knew a handful of natural haired people. Even the African American dudes were getting into the perms and relaxer; I find that straight crazy. Nevertheless I took the step and chopped all my relaxed ends off. I believe seeing the versatility in natural hair made me return. Don't get it twisted, I had the hardest time chopping off my relaxer, having to dedicate myself to wearing a silk bonnet at night and following a hair routines to make sure I had given my hair the care it needed. Products were the hardest to find since there wasn't a lot out there at the time. Natural shea butter & I rocked it out for a while. Shea was the only thing that understood my hair. Now that there is hundreds of products out there I try to give all a ...
A little gym never hurt nobody! Finally I am up and ready to get into the best shape of my life. GOOTD (gym outfit of the day) Sports bra -lululemon Tights - Adidas Shoes- Adidas Hair - high curly ponypuff - I woke up like this Oww! YAY BACK DAY!! Yesterday I woke up, threw my bonnet off, put my gym attire on and ran out the door. NOTHING was holding this shorty back from the gym today. BENT OVER ROWS I've been having ups and downs about going back to the gym but who doesn't get those?Starting the gym after taking a long break is p...
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